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Football Manager

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  • Posty:  555
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  • Dołączył:  04.02.2009
  • Status:  Offline

Gdzie Ty przeczytałeś o zapewnieniach, że patch wyjdzie 14-15 lutego? Ja niedawno dostałem maila od SI, że będzie pod koniec miesiąca i tego się trzymam.
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  • Posty:  2
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  • Dołączył:  27.04.2009
  • Status:  Offline

Ja gram obecnie w Football Menager 2009 i mam problem z poprawą atmosfery w zespole i nie wiem jak to mam poprawić ? Pomóżcie...
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  • Posty:  1 872
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  • Dołączył:  02.09.2004
  • Status:  Offline

Podales zbyt malo szczegolow. Pilkarze Ci sie buntuja? Chca odejsc do wiekszego klubu? Nie podoba im sie sposob, w jaki motywujesz ich podczas meczu? Chca lepszego kontraktu? Martwia ich slabe wyniki druzyny? Powodow jest kilka. Najlepszym sposobem jest po prostu wygranie kilku meczow pod rzad, tzw. wymeczenie zwyciestwa, bo przeciez przy slabej atmosferze w zespole nie da sie grac finezyjnej pilki.
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  • Posty:  2
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  • Dołączył:  27.04.2009
  • Status:  Offline

Chodzi mi o to że niektórzy piłkarze chcą odejść do innego klubu oraz są komunikaty ze słabo motywuje ich do następnego meczu.
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  • Posty:  1 872
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  • Dołączył:  02.09.2004
  • Status:  Offline

Czyli nie podobaja im sie Twoje wypowiedzi w konferencjach prasowych. Moze jestes zbyt pewny siebie, sprawdz po kazdej konferencji masz podane kluczowe pytanie i kluczowa odpowiedz i opinie asystenta, jak zespol odbierze Twoja odpowiedz.


Problem moze tez tkwic w rozmowach przedmeczowych, staraj sie stawiac zawodnikom realne wymagania przed meczem, jesli prowadzisz np. Piast Gliwice to przed meczem z Legia, Wisla, czy Lechem nie oczekuj od nich zwyciestwa, tym bardziej, kiedy maja morale ponizej, lub rowne 'W porzadku'.

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  • Posty:  516
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  • Dołączył:  11.04.2007
  • Status:  Offline

mam pytanie - wie ktoś, jak wyszukać piłkarzy, którzy mają mnie w swoim profilu>>osobiste>>ulubieńcy ? Jak próbuję przez wyszukiwarkę w grze, to nikogo nie wyszukuje. Gdy wpisze jakiegoś piłkarza to znajdzie się kilku, którego jest ulubieńcem, ale na mnie to nie działa... może trzeba wpisać coś innego niz swoją nazwe managera ??


gram w fm 07, być może w nowszych ten problem jest usunięty, nie wiem, nie sprawdzałem

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  • 2 tygodnie później...

  • Posty:  1 160
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  • Dołączył:  10.02.2008
  • Status:  Offline

Odświezam temat, ale w słusznej sprawie :) .

Jak wiemy wyszedł nowy patch 9.3.0(moze i dawno został wypuszczony, ale warto by był w temacie) i podejrzewam, ze komuś moze się przydać. Mogę dodać, iz zainstalowałem go i podczas meczu w trybie 3D nie "laguje"/przycina, jak w patchu 9.1.0, i jeszcze jedno, Patch 9.3.0 usprawnia grę na starszych kartach graficznych takich jak Radeon 9200, GeForce3 Ti 500 i GeForce4 Ti 4400 serie. Jeszcze krótkie informacje, co zmienia dany patch.


(Niestety znalazłem jedynie w języku angielskim)

Crash Fixes


- Fixed an occassional crash if a human manager applies for another job when his current club has no chairman.




- Fixed bug where the game didn't automatically unregister players from German B teams at the start of a new season. If the user didn't do it manually, these players would be restricted to 3 in the first team.

- Fixed bug where occassionally a player would not become "home-grown" at a club after being there for enough time.

- When picking European squads for clubs which have have affiliated B clubs, the correct number of home-grown players is now displayed.

- Fixed bug where reserve teams playing in main leagues would not include players from the first team if they were made available for the reserve team.

- Human managers now don't need to learn a language if it is the default language of their second nation.

- Fixed bug where Darijo Srna didn't gain Ukrainian nationality at Shakhtar due to not speaking Russian or Ukrainian.

- Adjusted away team attendance when match is played at a stadium shared by both the home and the away team

- Adjusted assistant manager comments on the gaps between defense/midfield/attack when using defensive midfielders or attacking midfielders

- Fixed bug where players from a club's first team might request transfers after the B team gets relegated.

- Adjusted attendances in international matches for away teams in cases where the away team was in fact playing in their home nation (for example when hosting competitions)

- Adjusted boost in attendance after moving to a new stadium

- Make some improvements to the referee strip selection code.

- If a club's youth team has a tour arranged, the first team can now schedule friendlies for the same dates.

- Fixed bug where a player was being reported as injured for '1 day' when his actual return date was longer.

- Improved physio assessment of a player's likely return date, dependant upon physio's ability.

- Adjusted second nationalities of French newgens born in big cities

- Adjusted general chances of second nationalities for newgens

- Fixed bug where player didn't see the benefit of taking Croation nationality, when it would help their club get around foreigner restrictions.

- Stopped players gaining days toward a nationality simply by moving between A & B teams.

- Improved statistics generated for non-active teams.

- Stopped players taking up a nationality in-order to play for that nation when they have declared for a different nation already.

- Ensured record transfer fee matches up with the transfer fee shown in the player history.

- Stopped young referees e.g. Stuart Attwell getting their date of birth randomised.

- Stadiums without a pitch type entered in the database now default to grass pitches.

- Adjusted the filling of attributes left blank in the DB for non-players

- Players now start learning the language of future transfer teams as soon as the deal is signed.

- Players unhappy at the sale of a star player now are no longer unhappy once a star player has been signed to replace them.

- Unattached players can no longer have Short-term Plans of "Looking to see out the remainder of his playing days at the club".

- Players no longer complain about not playing if they have only just come back from injury.

- Players no longer request to be transfer listed a few days after a transfer window has just closed.

- Fixed continuing Save Game User's Shortlist and Scouting screens take a long time to access and players are no longer shown on there.

- Fixed giving a player an injection will put them out for the same amount of time as sending them to the Physio.

- Fixed contract length being greyed out with a date of Jan 1900.

- Teams now respect over age squad selection rules in lower division italian leagues.

- Fixed game slowdown whilst processing January to March.

- Stopped the board being refered to as the Football Association in the Confidence screen.

- Improved memory usage for games running many leagues with full detail matches.

- Transfer records now display the same fee as shown in the players history screen.

- Fixed a bug where a player fluent in a language of his current nation might not be able to gain nationality because he cannot speak the language.

- Reduced the number of assists generated for players in non-active leagues.

- Stopped an "Unknown Referee" being picked for the Korean All-Star cup and some Blue Square North/South matches.

- Stopped a player sometimes losing some ability in a position after training has been completed and they are still being played in that position.

- Improved pitch conditions deterioration rates.




- Search results now sorted by name for ease of use.

- Can now search media sources using search box.

- Fixed bug where failed transfers would sometimes remain on the transfer centre screen.

- Wages shown in transfer centre now use the correct format set in the preferences.

- Match screen overview panel now shows full details on matches played using the quick match engine.

- Added 'Relationship With You' to AI manager's personal section so that you can see their relationship with you more easily (and without having to go to the interaction screen).

- Fixed a bug in match classic view where player names would sometimes be left on the pitch.

- Added 'Record Transfers' to View menu in Transfers section. Can now see Top 25 transfers, viewable by world, nation or competition.

- Fixed a situation where a yellow card would not appear on the match time slider.

- Manager resignations now appears in their achievements page.

- Fixed processing info occasionally incorrectly showing a goal as having been scored in e.g. (58 + 1).

- Fixed a bug which allowed you to discipline a player for unprofessional behaviour for no reason.

- Stopped draggable player names on the award voting screen if the human could not vote in that award.

- Fixed a bug on the award voting screen where it could confuse who you voted for if you swap candidates positions.

- Fixed a bug where a 'PR' icon would show for a player but there would be no reaction shown in his profile.

- Fixed code in a string on the player profile about the captain being changed too soon.

- Added a "Clear All" button to the team talk screen.

- Fixed issue with team talk option not being available if already in tactics at half time

- Match view should be remembered properly when set before match

- Player attributes now colour-coded on all screens

- Fixed issues with tactics buttons not being visible in TV View in a human vs human hotseat game

- Long distances can now be set to miles or kilometres

- Overspend on salary now shown in red on manager overview screen

- Match score display more consistent everywhere

- Removed unecessary season selection list when arranging a friendly at a club




- Adjusted the board limits for allowing movement of money to wage budget with smaller clubs when current wages are very low compared to the current wage budget

- Adjusted the sponsorship deal values to better reflect the new league level and reputation in cases where smaller teams go up the leagues and have renewable sponsorships set in the DB

- Enabled the game to re-evaluate any sponsorship deals set to be of fixed value in the DB to prevent teams from being stuck with the same level of sponsor income

- Adjusted collective win bonuses for Brazilian clubs

- Adjusted ticket prices in Brazil

- Adjusted board renewing expiring kit sponsorships after old deal expires

- Adjusted Turkish Super Cup ticket pricing and gate receipts split between teams

- Finetuned kit sponsorship value calculations

- Adjusted chances for starting new stadium planning

- Adjusted transfer budget calculations for promoted teams

- Adjusted board ambition effects on transfer budgets

- Adjusted board limitations on how much excess wage budget is allowed to be moved towards transfers

- Adjusted ticket prices in Turkey

- Fixed club wage total calculations when club has players on a B-club contract

- Adjusted modelling of bankrupt clubs

- Adjusted chances for tycoon takeovers at smaller clubs

- Adjusted Finnish finances




- Forced newgens to start with youth contracts whenever possible instead of professional contracts in nations where the minimum age for pro contracts was set to lower than general newgen creation age

- Fixed contract type issues with some young players.

- Lowered amount of players on month to month contracts.

- Stopped Players demanding an inferior squad status.

- Fixed staff leaving club without any news items and whilst they were under contract.




- Fixed news item describing player as 'Looks Set To Have A Bright Future At Club' when he is transfer-listed.

- Added 'View Assignments' button to scout match report news items so you can more easily view or change that scout's assignments.

- Fixed non-player bio message says newly appointed coach began his career with a spell as coach from January 1900.

- Fixed national player/coach sacking being reported as being released by their club.

- Host announcement news items no longer state the wrong year for the Champions and EURO Cups.

- Teams no longer listed incorrectly in loan transfer limit exceeded news item.

- Managers at A-League clubs can no longer declare interest in other A-League clubs players until the 2010 season.

- Improved text layout for 'Where Are They Now' news to make it easier to read.

- Fixed extra line gap in the boards feeder ckub response news item.

- Addressed issue of club-specific media sources reporting on other clubs in the same division.

- Fixed foreign bookmakers offering odds for nations they don't cover.

- Fixed a missing ending to a sentance in the scout next opposition news under rare circumstance.

- Stopped a sentance saying you have a contract until 1900 when taking over at an amateur club.


Network Game


- Fixed bug where server couldn't kick/ban/force continue a "New Network Client"


Press Conferences


- Fixed user being asked question about who will win title when title has already been won.

- Stopped a follow-on question being generated to the "Entire Team" answer to "What is the strongest/weakest area of the team".

- Press conference asks question about user's dropping of a player when he has been called up as a late replacement.

- Fixed a bug where as national team manager you could be asked about the need to spend to strengthen the squad.

- Stopped journalists sometimes picking on your choice of player to counter a dangerman as incorrect when he is in fact a good choice.

- Fixed bug where the headline "[user] knows spirit can't be maintained" would appear, which is the opposite of what you said.

- Fixed a bug where you would get asked a question about poor form when you are recently unbeaten.

- Stopped manager being asked a question about the need to buy players outside of transfer windows.




- Fixed some problems with the Brazilian golden boot award

- Fixed a bug where B-team players would be linked with winning the Spanish Young Player of the Year

- Bulgarian Cavalier of Fairplay award is now given out.

- Danish national awards should favour player's playing in bigger leagues more.

- Fixed a problem with the European Golden Boot whereby if the scores were level it would sort by most appearances instead of least.


International Management


- Facilitated choosing international squad by adding more detailed stats to the Stats option in the National Pool 'View' menu.

- Players with multiple nationalities now assume the nationality of the current national team they represent. Their nationality will become 'fixed' once they win a full cap at senior or u21 level.

- Fixed rare instance of rejected call-up player retiring and being described as "left out" of international squad.

- Fixed news item after submitting squad containing two separate strings regarding same player's possible first appearance.

- Fixed issue where even a slight rift with a club manager would see them withdraw their players from your squad for friendlies.

- AI National teams now leave some space in their squads for virtual goalkeepers if there are no real gks available.

- Fixed player wrongly described as "excluded" from a national team squad when he was playing for one of the nation's other national teams.

- Fixed bug which was stopping some players from announcing their international retirements following competitions / unsuccessful qualifying etc.

- Fixed squad corruption issue caused by failure to hire manager properly which could occur if human was offered a national youth job e.g. U19s.

- Fixed user being unable to add some dual-nationality players to National Squad or National Pool.

- Fixed rare issue where dual-nationality player would still mention which nation he would like to play for, even after he had won full caps for them.

- Fixed national Team described as in biased-selection news item

- Improved international squad selections.

- Fixed national team captain/vice-captains set in the database not being used by the game.

- Fixed national manager retiring just before major finals.



Board Takeovers


- Fixed bug where tycoon chairmen could sometimes come from an extinct nation.

- Ensured B-teams don't get given a chairman when promoted to an active league.

- Fixed tycoon takeover collapsing due to a disagreement of the club's valuation when the club's worth is fairly insignificant.




- Offers made for other managers are now cancelled when a human adds themselves as manager of a team.

- Loan bids now get processed quicker on a transfer deadline day.

- Loan transfer windows now only apply to domestic loans.

- Extended the January transfer window to 2nd Feb 2009 for some nations as 31st Jan 2009 is on a Saturday.

- Players on domestic loans don't get their appearances counted towards the number of clubs allowed to play for in a year.

- Cannot offer contract to player dialog box now contains a valid reason when bidding on American Developmental League players.

- Transfer rejection option "offer isn't good enough" is no longer available for selection when rejecting an enquiry.

- Stopped B/C team managers transfer-listing players owned by the human A team manager.

- Players who aren't likely to make it at top clubs are now more interested in moving to good Championship clubs.

- More managers now being sacked/moving.

- More free agents signed in the transfer window.

- Fixed some Illogical hiring of managers due to thier coach reputation

- AI Team keeps bidding for same player despite player continually rejecting them

- Stopped Young, non-eu players who are recent signings being transfer listed at game start in Spain.

- Made it easier to loan out players.

- Stopped AI negotiating to fee much less than amount offered.

- AI Manager not doing coownership anymore

- Made it harder to sign top regen talent due to contract expiry and lack of interest from other clubs.

- Stopped players from stating they are not willing to leave due to recent arrival - When in fact he signed 3 years ago.

- Stopped low Co-Ownership bids from being accepted incorrectly in Italy.

- Toned down the amount of money man city are prepared to spend on non world class players.

- Loan rejected with rejecting club wanting a £0 Fee.

- Fixed After selling a player who had been out on loan, the User is still getting Match Reports on him.

- Fixed team rejecting original offer for a player but after enquiring they will accept less for him.

- Ensured human managers face more competition from other clubs outside of the transfer window.

- Toned down foreign managers being appointed in France.

- Fixed Vacant manager job being shown on Job Security but not on Job Centre.

- Fixed loan offers being rejected because 'the club are not looking to loan the player out at the present time' - when the player is loan listed.




- Board Confidence is disappointed that the team failed to win promotion when they are still in the promotion playoffs

- After losing in promotion playoffs Board Confidence says "The board are pleased that the team won promotion from the Second Division this season"

- Promoted through playoffs meeting the minimum expectation of promotion but Board Confidence is disappointed that I only challenged for the title

- Mourinho sacked a week before the Champions League final.

- Transfers arranged prior to managerial appointment no longer count towards new managers confidence feedback.







- Euro U21 Championship Qualifying now takes place in 2007/08.

- Fixed Confederations Cup squad rules.




- Updated calculation of European coefficients for new 2009 formats of the competitions.

- Fixed bug where teams could not submit a full European squad in Febuary if they had selected a lesser number of players earlier in the season.


South America


- Fixed Libertadores prelim and group draws.




- Pre-season cup final is now over 1 leg instead of 2.

- Fixed bug where Australian youth league isn't played after the first season.




- Fixed Brazilian league gate receipt percentages.




- Fixed Cup of Bulgaria.


Czech Rep


- Improved players transfer values.




- Points system used for Danish disciplinary rules.

- Improved Danish players transfer values.




- Fixed players not getting cup-tied in the English League Cup.

- Fixed English League Cup semi-final away goals rule.

- FA Cup regional draw fix now also applies to pre patch 2 saves.

- Fixed Conference League Cup Semi-Final incorrectly being played as Wembley.




- Fixed German Cup final not played in Berlin.

- Players now go on holiday for longer between seasons.




- Implemented new Indian Federation Cup structure.


Rep. Ireland


- Fixed wrong play-off format for First Division relegation/promotion play-off.

- Fixed issue whereby a non-league side that wins the First Division relegation/promotion play-off wasn't getting promoted.




- Fixed the U19 leagues that mirror the Premier and National league not reflecting increase in number of teams in Premier and National league as from 2009 season.

- Updated Israeli Premier/National League Toto Cup schedules.

- Improved Israeli player transfer values.




- Pescara deducted a point.

- Venezia new points deduction.

- Fixed Serie C cup prizes.

- Serie C Cup Semifinals Correct Scheduling.

- Venezia will start C1/A with a -4 deduction point instead of the current -2.

- Avellino points deduction changed to -2.




- First 11 squad selection rules in Mexico apply only to the starting lineup and are not used during the match.

- Mexican B clubs can now qualify for the playoffs even though they cannot be promoted.




- Fixed a problem where Northern Irish Premier Division playoff would sometimes be created twice.

- Northern Irish Premier Division now has a 38 game season.




- Updated Norwegian Premier league scheduling for 2009.




- Polish FA Cup round 1 and 2 draw fixed.

- Fixed a problem with players sometimes not being banned after getting a red card in league matches.





- Fixed prize money Swedish Premier division.




- Fixed problem in Turkey where if a foreign sub comes on for a previous foreign substitute, the game counted both players as being on the pitch when working out if the players on pitch broke the foreign player limit.


United States


- AI MLS teams are now more active in signing Designated Players from outside the MLS.

- Teams Allocation funds are not re-calculated when a new manager is hired.

- Allocation funds are not re-calculated for a human manager each season.

- Percentage of transfer revenue made available no longer displayed for MLS teams as it is irrelevent.

- Toronto FC's 5 American International slots are now correctly used in the game.

- All MLS teams team roster information is now displayed e.g. number of international players registered.

- AI teams no longer place zero value on player rights transfers.

- Stopped AI teams offer Designated Player contracts to players when the wage cap applies if they haven't the space in the cap to pay them.

- Fixed bug were Senior Developmental and Developmental players contracts weren't been re-newed if they hadn't been offered a contract after only a month was remaining on their current contract.

- starting draft allocation transfer are now loaded correctly at the start of a new game.

- Injured players can no longer be waived.

- Designated players with valid contracts can no longer be wavied.

- MLS teams don't release top talents after signing replacements when under the MLS squad limits.

- AI teams no longer ignore player rights when signing a player who has valid player rights with another MLS team.





- Tweaked Reserve and Youth league mirroring of main two divisions and added no more than three over 23 players rule for reserve leagues.


Match v743



- Fixed missing number outline colour


Match v744



- Made wide free kicks in opposition half more effective

- Fixed a couple of anomalies with pass completion stats

- Added blocked shots to overall shot counts

- Tweaked AI choice of target man

- Widened gap between extremes of pace a little

- Slightly reduced effect of "hard tackling" setting on number of fouls

- Reduced number of fouls committed on edge of own area slightly

- Slight improvement in shot and pass accuracy

- Improved marking, closing down and tackling of ball player

- Tweaked covering of team mates particularly DMC/DC

- Slight increase in one touch play

- Improved D-line position slightly

- Reduced early shots when clean through slightly

- Some tweaks to attacking off ball movement

- Reduced set piece taker run up distance slightly

- Reduced distance DC will leave position to mark opponent when defending throw in

- Fixed problem causing players to move too slowly to loose ball and allow opponent to nip in first

- Improved player decision making around loose balls generally

- Reduced likelyhood of defender not leaving obvious ball to keeper

- Players near own goal quicker to clear ball under pressure

- Reduced number of headers registered as clear cut chances

- Slight reduction on speed of pass/shot when on weak foot

- Reduced number of impossible through balls attempted

- Reduced number of passes hit "at team mate" at short distance causing silly ricochet


Match v745



- Free kicks around 40 yards out with an angle to the goal now treated like wide free kicks

- Slight tweak on velocity for shorter passes

- Slight increase in number of lofted passes

- Some tweaks to player match ratings

- Reduced instances of multiple defenders engaging ball player

- Improved first touch a little in terms of direction

- Made keepers less likely to save hard shots hit from close that arent straight at them

- Tweaked player reaction to ball movement

- Reworked DMC positioning when opposition have ball

- Tweaked positioning of midfield and attack in relation to D-line when opposition have ball

- If opposition have less than 2 central defenders then team always leaves striker(s) up when defending

- Tweaked full back positions at defensive goal kicks when opposition only have 1 striker

- Reduced effect of player strength on close opponent's max speed

- Fixed bug where player on ball can stop moving allowing opponent to come and get ball off him unchallenged

- Fixed bug where keeper can come to pick up loose ball and end up standing over it allowing attackers in unchallenged

- Players move back from badly offside positions better subject to workrate

- Fixed remaining instance of 9.2 bug where defender still tries to intercept impossible ball and allows ball player a clear run

- Improved marking of wingers who have ball

- Encouraged playmakers and passing midfielders to wait longer before making run in and around the opposition D-line

- Tried to reduce instances of players getting caught in possession in dangerous areas

- Tweaked choice of pass a bit

- Reduced length of keeper kicks when ball not held and standing still

- Fixed issue with positioning of flat 3 man midfields when defending

- Made teams move wider in own half when in possession and asked to by width slider


Match v746



- General re-working of passing AI

- Small tweaks to dribbling AI

- Tweaked ball player choice between hold, dribble, pass, clear and turn slightly

- Toned down intensity of closing down a little, and increased cost in terms of condition drop

- Improved marking of ball player slightly

- Adjusted tackle volume and success rate

- Made players quicker to offer out ball

- Player assigned to mark near post at corner now marks space at near post end of 6 yard box if no-one else is doing it ( temp solution until FM2010 )

- Some free kicks that saw defenders sent forward now reverted to normal defensive freekicks as they were too far out

- More variation on header shot target point which may have been cause of too many hitting the crossbar

- Fixed bug that caused rare outlandishly long and high headed clearances

- Fixed bug where entertaining match wouldnt trigger the most suitable final whistle commentary line

- Fixed v745 increase in lofted passes causing too many looping headers

- Balanced out and toned down player match ratings

- Removed broken cartwheel goal celebration animation

- Fixed bug that could distort possession percentages slightly

- Fixed bug causing players to occasionally dribble ball too far ahead of themselves and out of play for no reason

- Further increased one touch play and intelligent first touch for better players

- Made keepers a little more likely to clear first time from backpasses when opponent quite close

- Keepers now position better when defence has ball in order to make back pass option clearer

- Defenders now sit a bit deeper in possession to increase passing options, especially when assigned low directness instruction

- Fixed small bug in defender positioning for team kicking "left" when in possession of ball

- Fixed full backs coming too narrow when close team mate has ball infield

- Tweaked D-line position back slightly when defending

- Fixed midfield players being attracted towards ball that is near their own goal and in a wide area

- Improved DMC position at kick off

- Fixed players being too far outside the D at a penalty

- Fixed anomaly where player sometimes fails to take ball under control that is close to him - could cause assert due to match getting stuck

- Fixed rare bug where keeper fails to catch simple ball

- Improved player point of interception/receiving ball, eg to prevent them going for it too early and making unnecessary header under no pressure

- Fine tuned player reaction times to change in ball path ( pass, dribble, shot etc )


Match v747



- First phase of fine tuning v746's passing re-work, and related general passing AI tweaks

- Improved player ability to turn on ball when required

- Slight reduction in one touch play for less technical players

- Small increase in direct free kick goals

- Improved balance of player condition drop due to closing down

- Fixed centre halves being over zealous when player with closing down OI runs towards their zone

- Improved centre midfielder positioning in relation to team mate with ball

- Slight improvement in defender ability to tackle opponent running with ball

- Fixed bug where defending player can come to engage ball player, then stand still for up to 10 seconds while play continues behind him

- Fixed keeper dribbling ball backwards and being forced to kick ball out for corner under pressure

- Adjusted placed shots slightly to see if it results in less hitting of the post

- Fixed stupidly long headed clearances introduced in v746

- Small player match ratings tweaks

- Improved goalkeeper protection against near post shot

- Fixed dodgy deflection on ball by player who loses ariel battle


Match v748



- Slight reduction in effectiveness of long shots

- Further passing tweaks to stop lower level players over elaborating

- Slight reduction in unneccesary clearances out of play

- Slight reduction in players being caught in possession

- Stopped unfairly low ratings for players who havent really done much wrong

- Fixed defenders crowding out own keeper when ball close to own goal

- When keeper catches ball at corner, the players staying back for the corner taking team now wait for defence to come back before moving forward to original positions

- Fixed occasional instance of "impossible save"

- Made more instances of keepers getting a touch to shots that might not be enough to stop it going in

- Tidied up keeper narrowing angle logic

- Fixed bug where player can move to intercept ball ahead of opponent and then pull out at the last minute when well placed to complete interception

- Fixed bug that could inhibit defending players from making a tackle when ball right at feet of attacking opponent

- Made players providing "out ball" option face ball player directly to make completion of pass easier

- Fixed further rare instance of too many defenders engaging ball player and leaving another opponent in too much space

- Fixed rare instance of defender clearing ball into own goal when right on own goal line and facing own goal


Match v749



- Toned down speed of dribbling players, and tweaked dribbling AI to compensate

- Further improvements to first touch

- Improved player turning AI

- Made players less likely to boot ball out unless neccesary

- Improved goalkeeper kicks

- Improved choice of throw ins

- Improved passing decisions at free kicks

- Improved player positioning at throw ins

- Further general tweaks to passing AI, including players making choices with their own limitations/abilities in mind

- Fixed ball physics issue that caused some short passes to be overhit

- Some tweaks to shot and pass accuracy based on ease and speed of kick

- Reduced number of very long shots for players not asked to make them or have PPM for them

- Fixed bug that stopped some shots from being blocked at point blank range

- Reworked goalie narrowing angle logic

- Increased number of slide tackles, while tuning player decision of when to commit to them, and when to stand off

- Fixed player being tripped and carrying on moving before getting up animation is played

- Fixed inconsistency between foul point in referees mind and foul point in the guilty player's mind, that caused some pens to be given when fouling player considered himself out of the area

- Fixed bug where players may pull out of going for loose or cleared ball for no logical reason

- Fixed DMC positioning being too wide when opponents attacking down flanks

- Fixed defenders allowing player to cut in from acute angle too easily

- Fixed player moving across free kick taker's line of vision in an effort to "find space"

- Stopped failed random positioning test from preventing defender pushing up in completely obvious circumstances

- Made player at near post more likely to intercept corner kick

- Increased slightly the effect of close opponents on each others speed

- Stopped players moving back to kick off positions so quickly immediately after conceding a goal

- Reduced extremes of AI manager team mentality especially early in games

- Tweaked AI manager closing down settings for midfielders


Match v750



- Fixed rare bug causing keeper to deflect ball instead of saving it normally

- Fixed match rating for subbed player being changed slightly at full time

- Fixed attacking set piece not shown after highlight leading up to it

- Made sure one striker is left forward to some degree when playing defensively ( unless all strikers on ultra defensive )

- Stopped attacking players dashing back towards own area when long shot taken

- Reduced condition drop for players with on the day stamina > 10

- Reduced player delay time slightly after slide tackles, fouls, saves etc

- Made players less likely to dive in for tackles when opponent running with ball depending on attributes and tackle instructions

- Fixed occasional score divergence between release and debug builds

- Stopped players being rated below the average ( around 6.8 ) when they have generally done "ok"

- Reduced instances of poor keeper first touch from back pass that present possible goal chances

- Improved player positioning and decision making on "fight balls"

- Made defenders better at offering "out ball" to their team mates

- Made full backs hold their wide position better when forward and ball in opposition's last third

- Fixed DMC position when defending a goal kick

- Improved DMC position when team on attack but he stays back

- Fixed bug where offside can be called too long after player has moved back on and received a different pass

- Slight tweak on keeper save range, and more saves with less change of direction applied

- Slight tweak on shot accuracy for powerful shots

- Fixed bug where player can make a meal of receiving ball and let it under his feet

- Made players take original positions quicker after ball won back and they had been covering team mate

- Improved keeper position at direct free kicks

- Made keeper positions slightly more advanced when ball not too near their own goal

- Fixed rare occurance of penalty being given for challenge well outside area

- Reduced amount of players taking ball out of play with first touch

- Made AI managers just a little more conservative early on in tough games


Match v751



- Fixed match getting stuck assert at direct free kick near end of half

- Improved first touch a little more for the better rated players

- Made keepers boot backpass straight up pitch if they feel unable to control it safely

- Ironed out issues in goalie positioning from v750

- Fixed bug causing pass to run under receiver's feet occasionally

- Made player defending high ball take it as early as possible if heading it

- Fixed further instance of player running too slow for loose ball and conceding easy ball to opponent

- Toned down amount of added time

- Fixed defending team assuming possession won back too quickly after deflection

- Ironed out issue with keeper not closing down attacker coming from acute angle

- Tweaked choice of goalie dive animation


Match v752



- Fixed a couple of problems in keeper starting position

- Improved keeper closing down of angle when player coming from tight angle

- Fixed defender asked to mark near post at corners always covering near post edge of six yard box


Match v753



- Fixed bug stopping players from heading ball they had moved for.


Coz ilość naprawionych błędów jest imponująca :) .




Patch 9.3.0




Hasło: akjs123

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dlugo nie gralem

teraz se gram na tym nowym patchu i jest calkiem spoko;)

ciekawostka: vidic jakos srodkowy obronca poki co 14 meczy w lidze 9 goli ;D

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Mam pewien problem. Dawno nie grałem w FM''a więc ściągnąłem patcha 9.3 i jakiś keygen który podawał znaki jakie trzeba wpisać po wybraniu aktywacji telefonicznej. Ale ja ciągle mam aktywacje online i nie mam telefonicznej do wyboru! Próbowałem wyłączyć net, wyciągnąć kabelek od neta, ale nie pomaga. (cały czas mogę tylko online.) Pomocy!


PS. U kolegi poszło bez problemu,


PS 2. Mam radiówkę (tak na wszelki wypadek piszę)



EDIT: Wszystko już działa, tylko brakuję mi keygena (tamten był do wersji 9.2) wszystkie linki są do rapida, a mi cały czas piszę, że mój adres IP coś ściąga. Mógłby ktoś zuploadować keygen na inny serw (tylko nie MU bo tam też tak piszę)

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  • 1 miesiąc temu...

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dawno nikt tu nic nie pisał :) to może ja się pochwalę moimi osiągnięciami w najlepszego moim zdaniem FMa, czyli 07 ;)


Włączyłem sobie grę ze wszystkimi możliwymi ligami, na największej bazie danych i zacząłem jako bezrobotny, polski chłop pragnący spróbować swoich sił w managerce. Ofert było wiele, z Meksyku aż po Białoruś przez Grecję. Oferta z Grecji wydawała się najciekawsza - Ethnikos. Zadłużony, drugoligowy klub, główny kandydat do spadku. O kasie na transfery nie było w ogóle mowy, więc musiałem się zadowolić darmowymi grajkami. I nawet całkiem nieźle mi poszło, zespół który miał być na szarym końcu tabeli, skończył sezon na 6 miejscu w lidze. Co prawda szanse na awans straciłem na kilka dobrych kolejek przed końcem, ale to i tak świetny wynik. W drugiej części sezonu zakontraktowałem sobie wielu zawodników, którzy po sezonie przyszli do mnie za darmoche. Ekipa rosła w siłe :)


Drugi sezon rozpocząłem małym falstartem, jako że wymieniłem ponad połowę składu i jeszcze nie wszystko trybiło. Ale potem jakoś wszystko zaczynało powoli się rozkręcać. Miałem ciche nadzieje na awans do pucharu UEFA poprzez dojście do finału pucharu Grecji, ale wszystko prysło kiedy w 4 rundzie trafiłem na Olympiakos. W każdym razie, po kilku DARMOWYCH wzmocnieniach (jako że nadal nie miałem kasy...), kandydat do spadku, a zarazem czarny koń pod moim dowództwem zajął premiowane awansem 3 miejsce w lidze :) Walka trwała do ostatniej kolejki, do ostatniego gwizdka, ale jakoś się udało :)


Pierwszy sezon w Greckiej Superlidze rozpoczynałem z jednym celem - utrzymać się i stopniowo wzmacniać skład. Według fachowców, moje szanse na mistrza były najmniejsze w lidze i wynosiły 1-100 :) Połowę mojego składu stanowili polacy oraz inni obcokrajowcy, których pościągałem z wolnego transferu. W pierwszej drużynie zostało mi tylko 3 greków :) Skład robił się coraz mocniejszy, co pozwoliło drużynie z góry skazywanej na porażkę zająć w lidze ciężko wywalczone 3 miejsce oraz wygranie pucharu Grecji ! Tego nawet ja się nie spodziewałem :)


Teraz rozpocząłem 4 sezon, mam rozegranych 10 spotkań, łącznie ze sparingami, w których straciłem tylko jedną bramkę. W lidze jestem współliderem po 3 kolejkach, w pucharach przebrnąłem przez 2 rundę eliminacyjną wygrywając w dwumeczu z Sarajewo 7-0. Teraz trafiłem na Sporting Braga, pierwszy mecz na wyjeździe przegrałem 1-0, ale myślę że w rewanżu grając u siebie powinienem straty odrobić.


Mój skład

Polaków zostało mało, z wieloma nie przedłużyłem kontraktu bo nie dawali rady w ekstraklasie, no i zdobywałem lepszych graczy na ich miejsce. W letnim okienku transferowym pozyskałem 24 graczy :) Większość oczywiście za free ;) Na uwagę zasługuje najlepszy w moim składzie Okoduwa, któremu kończy się kontrakt i niestety nie bardzo chce przedłużyć ... Mam dwóch świetnych bramkarzy, obaj po 19 lat, którzy kiedyś będą grali w najlepszych klubach Europy :) Prowadzę także reprezenatcję Polski, która mnie wezwała do służby w imię narodu ;)


no i tyle, mam nadzieję że jakoś rozkręcę znowu jakąś dyskusję w tym zakurzonym temacie, chwalcie się co tam zwojowaliście ;) :twisted:

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Ja gram cały czas w FM'a 2008


Czas gry wynosi ponad 22 dni :twisted: Ogólnie mam 2022 rok.


Zaczynałem w Wiśle Kraków. Tam 5 sezonów, pierwsze 4 zawsze LM, ale tylko grupa, a w ostatnim sezonie 3 runda i przegrana jedną bramką z Liverpoolem.


Potym znudziło mi się już i postanowiłem gdzieś przejść. Trafiło się HSV. Tutaj mimo iż były spekulacje końcówki tabeli udało się zdobyć 3 miejsce. Po sezonie zaczęły się plotki o odejściu do coraz lepszych klubów ( Barca), więc potwierdzałem je co wkurzyło zarząd. Uznałem, że nie ma sensu praca z wkurzonym zarządem więc zacząłem wysyłać oferty pracy, jednak wszystkie dobre kluby znalazły lepszych trenerów, a ja trafiłem do Newcastle.


Tam zrobiłem parę fajnych transferów i szło mi nawet nieźle. W połowie sezonu trafiła się jednak oferta życia, Chelsea wysłała mi ofertę kontraktu. Bez zastanowienia przyjąłem ją. Szans na wygraną ligi już nie miałem, ale udało się zdobyć miejsce premiowany LM, a dodatkowo w LM finał i tam przegrana z Barceloną.


Potem zaczęła się długa kariera w Chelsea. Bylem tam 6 sezonów: 5 razy wygrana LM (najpierw 2 razy pod rząd, a potem 3),a raz półfinał. W rozgrywkach angielskich troch e gorzej, bo tylko dwa razy w lidze i parę razy puchary (już nie pamiętam :P). Zbudowałem bardzo silny zespół, jednak kasa klubu przez długi czas była ostor na minusie. Potem jednak opamiętałem się i zmniejszyłem wydatki przez co stabilność finansowa wróciła do normy. Po zdobyciu LM 3 raz uznałem, że cel został osiągnięty i czas odejść. Nie chciałem jednak odchodzić do klubu który walczy o najwyższe cele, a zbudować gdzieś potęgę ;)


Tak trafiłem do 1. FC Koln które właśnie spadło do 2 Bundesligi. Celem było wygranie ligi, ale przegrałem jednym punktem, lecz awans był :) Zarząd był bardzo zadowolony, więc podpisałem nowy kontrakt, ale po paru dniach okazało się, że mój ulubiony klub FC Bayern nie ma trenera! Odrazu się zgłosiłem, przez co zarząd wywalił mnie w trybie natychmiastowym :P Bayern dał mi kontrakt i tak mogłem prowadzić swój ulubiony klub.


Bayern jednak nie był klubem takim jak teraz. Mieli duże długi, klub praktycznie bez respektu w świecie :P. Po pierwszym sezonie zająłem tylko 6 miejsce i awans do Pucharu Lata. Teraz zaczynam nowy sezon i mam nadzieję, że uda mi się coś fajnego osiągnąć.



Niestety nie mogę dać żadnych taktyk, bo wszystko mam na laptopie na którym nie mam aktualnie internetu, a zawodników też nie polecę, bo mam już praktycznie samych wygenerowanych przez grę :)

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Ja po trzech sezonach w Blackburn Rovers przeszedłem do City,gdzie już jestem 4sezon ( 2mistrzostwa ) . Polecam Pogrebnyaka z Zenitu , super snajper !
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no ja niestety odpadłem z UEFA po bezbramkowym remisie w rewanżu z Bragą, ale dzielnie kroczę po mistrza :D
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Ja zacząłem drugi sezon Bayernem, ale teraz nie gram, bo wciągnął mnie inny menadżer :P Pro Cycling Manager 2009 :D
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Ej włąsnie pogadajmy o Pro cyc;ing managerze bo nie chce tematu zakładać


1 Czy u ciebie też zawodnicy mają złe nazwiska Evans a jest Ovans

2 Jak grać ?? Czy da się uciec i wygrać bo mnie zawsze doganiają co zrobic by ucieczka sie udała

3 Jak to jest możliwe że Jak mam dobrego Górala a przegrywam w górach z jakimiś słabiakami bo mój już sił nie ma Daj poradnik jak Gra ć! :D :D

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