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wasze ulubione teksty piosenek

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Gdy mowa o wysublimowanej liryce eksperci zwracają zawsze uwage na delikatne jak pączek róży i ulotne jak wiosenny poranek teksty zespołu TPN 25. Oto największy przebój zespołu - jego tekst startował do nagrody nike. I prawie ją zdobył

Ja też uwielbiam ową lekkość z jaką Dr. Yry z przyjaciółmi potrafią wszystko opisać :) Co tu więcej mówić, ich film "Bułgarski pościkk" w mojej najbliższej okolicy cieszy się mianem wręcz kultowego, a niektóre z tekstów są często stosowane jako powiedzonka:

"Kultura przede wszystkim, ale jednak klient to bądź co bądź nasz pan!", albo kultowe wręcz:

- Przepraszam pana bardzo, która jest teraz godzina?

- Nie wiem, wskazówki mi się posklejały w zegarku... od tego kleju...


Mogę tylko powiedzieć : Vive la Z.F. Skurcz! :)


A teraz zgodnie z tematem.

Tenacious D - Karate

With karate I'll kick your ass

Here to Tiennamen Square.

Oh yeah, muthafucka,

I'm 'onna kick your fuckin' derriere.

You broke the rules,

Now I'll pull out all your pubic hair,

You muthafucka.

You muthafucka.


Kyle betrayed me

And then he lied tried to hide

And I died deep inside

And you know the reason why.


I'm 'onna kick your ass

From here to right over there.

Oh yeah muthafucka,

I'm 'onna kick your fuckin' derriere.

You broke the rules,

Now I'll pull out all your pubic hair,

You muthafucka.

You muthafucka.


Tenacious D - Kickapoo

..::Jack Black (Narrator)::..

A long ass fuckin' time ago,

In a town called Kickapoo,

There lived a humble family

Religious through and through.

But yay there was a black sheep

And he knew just what to do.

His name was young J.B. and he refused to step in-line.

A vision he did see-eth

Fuckin' rockin' all the time.

He wrote a tasty jam and all the planets did align.



..::Jack Black (Son)::..

Oh the dragons balls were blazin' as I stepped into his cave,

Then I sliced his fuckin' cockles,

With a long and shiney blade!

'Twas I who fucked the dragon,

Fuckalize sing-fuckaloo!

And if you try to fuck with me,

Then I shall fuck you too!

Gotta get it on in the party zone!

I gots to shoot a load in the party zone!

Gotta lick a toad in the party zone!

Gotta suck a chode in the party zone!




..::Meat Loaf (Father)::..

You've disobeyed my orders, son,

My way you never [born?].

Your brother's ten times better than you,

Jesus loves him more.

This music that you play for us comes from the depths of hell.

Rock and roll's The Devil's work, he wants you to rebel.

You'll become a mindless puppet;

Beelzebub will pull the strings!

Your heart will lose direction,

And chaos it will bring.

You'd better shut your mouth,

Better watch your tone!

You're going for a week with no telephone!

Don't let me here you cry,

Don't let me hear you moan!

You gotta praise The Lord when you're in my home!



..::Jack Black (Son)::..

Dio can you hear me?

I am lost and so alone.

I'm askin' for your guidance.

Won't you come down from your throne?

I need a tight compadre who will teach me how to rock.

My father thinks you're evil,

But man, he can suck a cock.

Rock is not The Devil's work,

It's magical and rad.

I'll never rock as long as I am stuck here with my dad.



..::Ronnie James Dio (Dio poster)::..

I hear you brave young Jaybles,

You are hungry for the rock.

But to learn the ancient method,

Sacred doors you must unlock.

Escape your father's clutches,

And this oppressive neighborhood.

On a journey you must go,

To find the land of Hollywood!

In The City of Fallen Angels,

Where the ocean meets the sand,

You will form a strong alliance,

And the world's most awesome band.

To find your fame and fortune,

Through the valley you must walk.

You will face your inner demons.

Now go my son and rock!



..::Jack Black (Narrator)::..

So he went from fuckin' Kickapoo With hunger in his heart;

And he journeyed far and wide to find the secrets of his art;

But in the end he knew that he would find his counterpart.

Rooooock. Rah-ha-ha-ha-hock. Raye-yayayayaye-yock.


Tenacious D - Tribute

This is the greatest and best song in the world




Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here,

We was hitchikin' down a long and lonesome road,

All of a sudden

There shined a shiny demon

in the middle of the road

AND HE SAID,"Playyy me the best soong in the world,

or I'll eat your souls!"


Well me and Kyle

we looked at eachother


And we played the first thing that to our heads

just so happened to be, the best song in the world

it was the best song in the world.


Look into my eyes and its easy to see 1 and 1 make 2

2 and 1 make 3, it was destiny.

Once every 100,000 years or so,

when the sun don't shine and the moon doth glow

and the grass don't grow-Oh


Needless to say, the beast was stunned

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and the beast was done.

He asked us,"Beee you angels?"

and we sayed,"nay, we are but men. ROCK!"


Ohhh Oh Oh Oh



This is not the greatest song in the world, no

this is just a tribute

Couldn't rememeber the greatest song in the world, yea

NO this is a tribute

to the greatest song in the world

is was the greatest song in the world


And the peculiar is this my friends that song we sang on the fateful night

it didn't actually sound anything like this song

This is just a tribute, you gotta believe me

and i wish you were there, just a matter of opinion

Good God you gotta love it

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Gdy odpalam nic sie nie liczy,

Jakbym wyciągał przewody z kolumny kierownicy,

Obwód zamknięty, to cewki rozrusznika,

Moje zycie to muzyka, pocałunek grzechotnika,

to skończy się zdmuchnięciem twojej świeczki nie bliscy,

Kim jestes, powie nam karta od dentysty,

Traba powietrzna moich zepsutych myśli,

Zrywać z karku, koniec ortopedyczny,

Zanurz palce w popielnicy, Dobry wieczór Polska,

Dziś położę srebrne monety w twoich oczach,

Kwiaty zła, ten dźwięk nie jest kojący,

Moralność? To wymysł przegrywających,

To ma charyzmę, po stronie silniejszego racja,

Leszczom defenestracja,

Prosto zzewnątrz, rozpierdala skalę,

Czasy kiedy cały świat żegna się z dolarem,



Dobry wieczór Polska, dzieciak wiesz, jest sprawa,

Ani słowa, ręce w górze, napad,

Co wolisz? Las szubiennic czy krwi Niagara ?

Mam tu doskonały przepis, na ciężki zamach !



Dobry wieczór Polska, dzieciak wiesz, jest sprawa,

Ani słowa, ręce w górze, napad,

Co wolisz? Las szubiennic czy krwi Niagara ?

Mam tu doskonały przepis, na ciężki zamach !


Kiedy płyta ? Pytanie w mailu dziewczyn z poprawczaka,

Kurwa, czuję się już jak Frank Sinatra,

Jestes ikoną, droga na szczyt bywa smutna,

Dziś nosza Cię na rękach jutro płonie Twoja kukła,

[?]Nie wiesz, nie wódź Boga na pokuszenie,

Daję dramat od rana, Twoja kukułka krzyczy: szósta !

Wpierdalasz owsiankę, a ona puchnie Ci w ustach,

Zepchnięci na margines, znieśc mogą w ciszy,

Rozgrzebac łóżko, elektorat Senyszyn,

Nikt już nie usłyszy o jednym czy drugim typie,

Niejeden bije się z koszernym o miejsce w zsypie,

Mam o czym nawijać, nie muszę o majtach,

Dzieciaki o moich kawałkach jak [?]

Od wydanych wcześniej płyt nie odcinam kuponów,

Nie módl się za mnie, módl się za moich wrogów, ziomuś !



Czujesz już w powietrzu gęsty dym,

Na ulicac Kwiaty Zła,

Dobry wieczór Polska,

Zamknij pysk !

Ouu la la !



Dobry wieczór Polska, dzieciak wiesz, jest sprawa,

Ani słowa, ręce w górze, napad,

Co wolisz? Las szubiennic czy krwi Niagara ?

Mam tu doskonały przepis, na ciężki zamach !


Dobry wieczór Polska, dzieciak wiesz, jest sprawa,

Ani słowa, ręce w górze, napad,

Co wolisz? Las szubiennic czy krwi Niagara ?

Mam tu doskonały przepis, na ciężki zamach !


Z Białegostoku do Szczecina,

Z Cieszyna do Gdańska,

To smakuje jak ostatni szlug skazańca,

Czekasz na telefon, krzesła nie unikniesz,

Patrzysz jak kat przesuwa powoli w dół dźwignię,

Nie biore producentów których bity to przypał,

To co masz w głośnikach: Bit bandyta,

Wezmę garść panczlajnów, drogą nieprawości pójdę,

Twój sarkazm, parskasz jak dławiony kundel,

Moje życie to nie jedna blizna, zimny kraj Ojczyzna,

Dobry wieczór Polska, na koncertach [?],

Burza Piha, w gruzach Jerycha mury,

Niech krwawią kurwy, z każdego ponad mury,

Czas wojny, czas pokoju, wiesz do czego piję,

Jestes martwym skurwysynem,

Chca dotrzymać kroku, ale gubią buty,

Synowie Matki Teresy z ulic Kalkuty.



Dobry wieczór Polska, dzieciak wiesz, jest sprawa,

Ani słowa, ręce w górze, napad,

Co wolisz? Las szubiennic czy krwi Niagara ?

Mam tu doskonały przepis, na ciężki zamach !



Dobry wieczór Polska, dzieciak wiesz, jest sprawa,

Ani słowa, ręce w górze, napad,

Co wolisz? Las szubiennic czy krwi Niagara ?

Mam tu doskonały przepis, na ciężki zamach !

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I won't pull the trigger, just to see you die

No remedy to make me come alive

I'm ticking like a time bomb, no fuse just guts and gore

Initiate the burning of the core


I count down to zero, pull the trigger, no parole

no mercy - no mercy on your soul


Kill by any means necessary

Win by any means necessary

Live by any means necessary

Die by any means necessary


I am not judgmental

A sinner nor a saint

Cause either you're my best friend or you ain't


Come gather here around me

feel my breath under your skin

I'm deadly only when I'm getting caught


I count down to zero, I'm a soldier without soul

no mercy - no mercy on your soul


Kill by any means necessary

Win by any means necessary

Live by any means necessary

Die by any means necessary


I am born to kill, judge and condemn

I am born to win, slay and maim 'em

I am born to live, fight for glory

I am born to die







Kill by any means necessary

Win by any means necessary

Live by any means necessary

Die by any means necessary


I am born to kill, judge and condemn

I am born to win, slay and maim 'em

I am born to live, fight for glory

I am born to die, memento mori

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What'll we do with a drunken sailor,

What'll we do with a drunken sailor,

What'll we do with a drunken sailor,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Shave his belly with a rusty razor,

Shave his belly with a rusty razor,

Shave his belly with a rusty razor,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Sling him in the long boat till he's sober,

Sling him in the long boat till he's sober,

Sling him in the long boat till he's sober,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Earl-aye in the morning?




Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him,

Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him,

Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Put him in bed with the captain's daughter,

Put him in bed with the captain's daughter,

Put him in bed with the captain's daughter,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Earl-aye in the morning?


That's what we'll do with the drunken sailor,

That's what we'll do with the drunken sailor,

That's what we'll do with the drunken sailor,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Earl-aye in the morning?


Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Way hay and up she rises,

Earl-aye in the morning?



Oczywiście zeby nie było że lubie jakąś piracką muze ale ta piosenka mi się spodobała zawsze po niej smiać mi się chce :D link do filmiku na yt wraz z tekstem piosenki :P

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Emptiness wells up from my insides

Memories are fading with the dimming of the lights

Alone with the things you've left behind

This is a scar I cannot hide


And your love looks like blood tonight

In the shadows no one sees me cry

And your love looks like blood tonight, but this feels so right

It hurts so bad to say goodbye....


Well wishes and your kisses they bade me farewell

Your soul's to far away to save me from this hell

That I now reside in when I can't touch your face

An angel with tattered wings falling from God's grace


Hurts so bad to say good

Hurts so bad to say good

Hurts so bad to say good

Hurts so bad to say goodbye...


My eyes are blinded by the light,

I'm coming soon for you, this time.

I cannot bare to be left behind,

Together in death our ties shall bind.


Hurts so bad to say good

Hurts so bad to say good

Hurts so bad to say good

Hurts so bad to say goodbye...

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koleś stracił najlepszego przyjaciela i nie wie dlaczego


I've known you now

For the last twenty year or more

We fought for fun

We know the fucking score

I would have done

Anything at all for you

You're my best friend

Why can't you see



You never told me

What we fell out about

Was it me

Was it me


I can't believe

All the things you wrote to me

I can't take in

The things you said to me

I thought you would

Have done anything for me

We were best friends

Why can't you see



You never told me

What we fell out about

Was it me

Was it me


I've known you now

For the last twenty year or more

We seen it all

You know the fucking score

I would have done anything at all for you

You're my best friend


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Blind Guardian "The Bard's Song: In the Forest"

Now You all know

The bards and their songs

When hours have gone by

I'll close my eyes

In a world far away

We may meet again

But now hear my song

About the dawn of the night

Let's sing the bards' song



Tomorrow will take us away

Far from home

Noone will ever know our names

But the bards' songs will remain

Tomorrow will take it away

The fear of today

It will be gone

Due to our magic songs


There's only one song

Left in my mind

Tales of a brave man

Who lived far from here

Now the bard songs are over

And it's time to leave

Noone should ask You for the name

Of the one

Who tells the story



Tomorrow will take us away

Far from home

Noone will ever know our names

But the bards' songs will remain

Tomorrow all will be known

And You're not alone

So don't be afraid

In the dark and cold

'Cause the bards' songs will remain

They all will remain


In my thoughts and in my dreams

They're always in my mind

These songs of hobbits, dwarves and men

And elves

Come close Your eyes

You can see them, too

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Ostatnio coraz bardziej podobają mi się piosenki z Saturday Night Live :) Te kawałki są po prostu świetne.


Andy Samberg & Justin Timberlake - Mother Lover


Oh dang

What is it dawg?

I forgot its Mothers Day

Didn't get a gift for her

Other plans got in the way

She'll be so disappointed

Damn I forgot it too

This could have been avoided

What the hell are we gonna do?

My moms been so forlorn ever since my daddy left


No one to hold her tight life has put her to the test.

I know just what you mean, my mom's been so sad and gray


My dad can't satisfy her in the bedroom ever since he passed away

Hold Up!

You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

I'm thinkin' I'm thinkin' too

Slow up!

What time is it dawg?

It's time for a switcharoo!

We both love our moms, women with grown women needs.

I say we break 'em off, show 'em how much they really mean!


'cause I'm a mother lover, you're a mother lover, we should f*** each others mothers

F*** each others moms!

Push in that place that you came out as a baby ain't no doubt that sh** is crazy!

F*** each others moms!

'cause every mother's day needs a mother's night

If doing it is wrong, I don't wanna be right

I'm callin' on you 'cause I can't do it myself

To me you're like a brother, so be my mother lover


I'm lyin' in the cut waitin' for you mom clutchin' on this lube and roses

I got my digital camera, I'm gonna make your momma do a million poses

They will be so surprised

We are so cool and thoughtful

Can't wait to pork your mom

Imma be the syrup she can be my waffle

Show'd up!

My mother loves bubble bath with chamomile

Straight up!

Give it to my mom d-d-d-d-d-d-doggystyle

This is the perfect plan

For a perfect mother's day

They'll have to rename this one all up under the covers day


'cause I'm a mother lover, you're a mother lover, we should f*** each others mothers

F*** each others moms!

I'll push in their place where you came out as a baby ain't no doubt that sh** is crazy!

F*** each others moms!

Break it down...

It would be my honor to be your new step-father

It would be my honor to be your new step-father

And while you're in my mother, make me another brother

Yeeeah, while i'm in your mother, I'll never use a rubber


'cause every mother's day needs a mother's night

If doing it is wrong, I don't wanna be right

I'm callin' on you 'cause I can't do it myself

To me you're like a brother, so be my mother lover


They blessed us both with the gift of life

She brought you in this world so imma sex her right

This is the second best idea that we've ever had

The choice can be no other

Be my mother lover

Happy Mother's Day

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Wow Czester Exploited, zadziwiles mnie;0


Najelpsza imo piosenka Analogsow:




Grzeczne dziewczyny idą do nieba

złe wolą bawić się z nami,

pod sukienkami nie noszą majtek

zdobią swe ciało tatuażami

grzeczne dziewczyny słuchają radia

kochają słodką muzyke,

złe wolą słuchać starych winyli

rock&roll zmarnował im życie



To dla nas ta piosenka

śpiewana z głębi serca

będziemy w Waszych snach

do ostatniego dnia

To dla nas ta piosenka

śpiewana z głębi serca

gdy na piekła dnie

znów spotkamy się


Grzeczne dziewczyny nie przeklinają

i lubią chodzić do szkoły

złe przeklinają, palą i piją

w ich oczach uśmiech jest wesoły

Grzeczne smakują jak tani cukierek

są słodkie i nic poza tym

złe są dzikie ogniste i wściekłe

i kochać jak nikt potrafią



To dla nas ta piosenka

śpiewana z głębi serca

będziemy w Waszych snach

do ostatniego dnia

To dla nas ta piosenka

śpiewana z głębi serca

gdy na piekła dnie

znów spotkamy się


Grzeczne dziewczyny idą do nieba

złe wolą bawić się z nami,

pod sukienkami nie noszą majtek

zdobią swe ciało tatuażami

grzeczne dziewczyny słuchają radia

kochają słodką muzyke,

złe wolą słuchać starych winyli

rock&roll zmarnował im życie



To dla nas ta piosenka

śpiewana z głębi serca

będziemy w Waszych snach

do ostatniego dnia

To dla nas ta piosenka

śpiewana z głębi serca

gdy na piekła dnie

znów spotkamy się


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Bad Boys-Bob Marley


UH Bad boys watcha gon,watcha gon,watcha gonna do?

When they sudedongdong come for you?

Let me! Whatcha wanna do? When they come for you?


Bad boys,bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do?

When they come for you?Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


When you were eight and you had bad dreams you go to school

And that's the golden rule,So why are you acting like a bloody fool

If you get hot then you must get cool!


Bad boys,bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do?

When they come for you?Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


You chuck it down thas one,

You chuck it down thit one,

You chuck it down ya mother,

And ya chuck it down ya father,

Ya chuck it down a brother,

And ya chuck it down ya siter,

You chuck it down that one and you chuck it down Me!


Bad boys,bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do?

When they come for you?Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


Nobody hit ya over Break,

Pleas stop acting over Break,

No soldier man will give ya a break,

Then Your eyes would give you wits Héhéhé!


Bad boys,bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do?

When they come for you?Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?(When they come for you?)


Why did you have to act so mean?

Don't you know you're a human being?

Born of a mother with the love of a father,

Reflexion comes and reflexion goes,

I know sometime you wanna let go

hehehe i know sometime you wanna let go


Bad boys,bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do?

When they come for you?Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


Your too bad,

your too rude,

your too bad,

your too rude,


Bad boys,bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do?

When they come for you?Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


You chuck it down that one,

you chuck it down this one,

you chuck it down ya mother,

and you chuck it down your brother and you chuck it down your sister


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No to jedziemy :) :


To the man looking back at me

Said why don't you go away

We've all heard your misery

You've been bleeding it for days end


And it's plain when I look into your eyes I see

All you want is everybody's sympathy


So why don't you take all of this and go away

So why do you always look to me this way

When it seems like tomorrow might not come

And it seems like the sorrow has left you numb


And to the world I see

Said we've sat and watched you shine

Pack up all your guilt and please

Leave it all behind


And it's plain when I look into your eyes I see

This could be the way you want your life to be




Now your gonna bleed

So why don't you just tell me



Another mission,

The powers have called me away.

Another time,

To carry the colors again.

My motivation,

An oath I've sworn to defend.

To win the honor,

Of coming back home again.

No explanation,

Will matter after we begin.

Another dark destroyer that's buried within,

My true vocation.

And now my unfortunate friend,

You will discover,

A war you're unable to win.


I'll have you know,

That I've become...



Determination that is incorruptible.

From the other side.

A terror to behold.

Annihilation will be unavoidable.

Every broken enemy will know,

That their opponent had to be invincible.

Take a last look around while you're alive,

I'm an indestructible master of war.


Another reason.

Another cause for me to fight.

Another fuse uncovered,

Now, for me to light.

My dedication,

To all that I've sworn to protect.

I carry out my orders,

Without a regret.

A declaration,

Embedded deep under my skin.

A permanent reminder,

Of how we began.

No hesitation,

When I am commanding the strike.

You need to know,

That you're in for the fight of your life.


You will be shown,

How I've become...



Determination that is incorruptible.

From the other side.

A terror to behold.

Annihilation will be unavoidable.

Every broken enemy will know,

That their opponent had to be invincible.

Take a last look around while you're alive,

I'm an indestructible master of war.





Determination that is incorruptible.

From the other side.

A terror to behold.

Annihilation will be unavoidable.

Every broken enemy will know,

That their opponent had to be invincible.

Take a last look around while you're alive,

I am indestructible. (Indestructible.)



Determination that is incorruptible.

From the other side.

A terror to behold.

Annihilation will be unavoidable.

Every broken enemy will know,

That their opponent had to be invincible.

Take a last look around while you're alive,

I'm an indestructible master of war.



Another dream that will never come true

Just to compliment your sorrow

Another life that I've taken from you

A gift to add on to your pain and suffering

Another truth you can never believe

Has crippled you completely

All the cries you're beginning to hear

Trapped in your mind and the sound is deafening


Let me enlighten you

This is the way I pray

Living just isn't hard enough

Burn me alive inside

Living my life's not hard enough

Take everything away


Another nightmare about to come true

Will manifest tomorrow

Another love that I've taken from you

Lost in time on the edge of suffering

Another taste of the evil I breed

Will level you completely

Bring to life everything that you fear

Live in the dark and the world is threatening


Let me enlighten you

This is the way I pray

Living just isn't hard enough

Burn me alive inside

Living my life's not hard enough

Take everything away


Return to me

Return to me

Return to me

Turn to me

Leave me no one

Turn to me

Return to me

Return to me

Turn to me

Cast aside


Return to me

Return to me

Return to me

Turn to me

Leave me no one

Turn to me

Return to me

Return to me

You've made me turn away


Living just isn't hard enough

Burn me alive inside

Living my life's not hard enough

They take everything from you

Living just isn't hard enough

Burn me alive, inside

Living my life's not hard enough

Take everything away



Yeah, bringing you another disturbing creation

from the mind of one sick animal who can't tell the difference

and gets stupified


I've been waiting my whole life for just one fuck

And all I needed was just one fuck

How can you say that you don't give a fuck

I find myself stupified, coming back again

All I wanted was just one fuck

One tiny little innocent fuck

And when I feel like I'm shit out of luck

I find my stupified, coming back again


why, do you like playing around with

My, narrow scope of reality

I, can feel it all start slipping

I think I'm breaking down


See but I don't get it

Don't you think maybe we could put it on credit

Don't you think it can take control when I don't let it

I get stupified

It's all the same you say

Live with it


All the people in the left wing rock

And all the people in the right wing rock

And all the people in the underground rock

I find myself stupified, coming back again

All the people in the high rise rock

And all the people in the projects rock

And all la hente in the bario rock

I and myself stupified, coming back again


(If all fails)


And don't deny me

No baby now, don't deny me

And darlin' don't be afraid


Look in my face, stare in my soul

I begin to stupify


Trochę się rozpisałem, ale więcej już chyba nie będę pisał, chyba, że odkryję jakiś nowy fajny kawałek :D

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Mnie podobają się szczególnie piosenki PitBull'a.A w szczególności ta:





One on one

We will be having some fun

In my bedroom

All day and all of the night

You and you can bring your whole crew

To my bedroom

All day and all of the night.


If you left your man at home


If that's two shots of patrone


If you got your favorite thong on


We gonna party til the morning




Thank god that the world has so many freaks

That know how to ride out

And if they got a man on the low

Then best believe they know how to hide out

Everybody wants a freak to freak with

Pitbull's the latin that urges the freakness

Dale loca y abre la voca

You know what to do

There aint no rules in the freak game

And if you like your hair pulled

And your ass slapped when they hit it

From the back it better be known

All my mamas think they are to good to

Get freaky

y'all better be gone but see

its the latest thing

y'all got play-n-skillz

its the latest thing from pitbull

from the bottom with them boys

play-n-skillz encouraging all the freaks

to get out and get get get freaky

i'm hundred percent freak just looking

for a freak to get with me.





One on one

We'll be having some fun

In my bedroom

All day and all of the night

You and you can bring your whole crew

To my bedroom

All day and all of the night.


If you left your man at home


If that's two shots of patrone


If you got your favorite thong on


We gonna party til the morning




You don't give a damn that your man is

In love with you

You be thinking about me when

He's fucking you

I got plans if it lands at the BBQ

So just loose your dude

So we can rendezvous

Come on little mama let me see what you got

Turn around baby and let me hit the spot

never licked the spot

But i'm gonna make it hot

Go on and take it off

you might sweat a lot

All i need is just a couple of minutes

But you aint gonna trip that i'm already finished

Yes i'm ready to get all up in it

Hit it real steady til i'm almost finished

Hit it from the back so bad you can feel it in the middle

Bring it back and make it clap

Might slap a little

We can do it one on one a little privacy

But its gotta be my way, promise me

Face down ass up that's the way i like to fuck

We dont need room we can take it to the truck

I guarantee sweet dreams if you fuck with me

Leave your man, come with me, so we can:





One on one

You'll will be having some fun

In my bedroom

All day and all of the night

You and you can bring your whole crew

To my bedroom

All day and all of the night.


If you left your man at home


If that's two shots of patrone


If you got your favorite thong on


We gonna party til the morning




Sweet dreams are made of these

Leave your man and come with me

Its whatever you wanna do

Hit it from the back until

We both get through

Give give it all you got

Go to the room go to the car

I dont give a fuck i'mma superstar

Still go hard never go raw

Come to the bar the patrone's on me

After the club, we can go to my suite

One on one we can have some fun

Bring a friend twice the fun

I bring my friends you bring your friends

We can be friends

I bring secret skills go roll all insane



One on one

You'll will be having some fun

In my bedroom

All day and all of the night

You and you can bring your whole crew

To my bedroom

All day and all of the night.


If you left your man at home


if theres two hot ass ladies in da club


If you got your favorite thong on


We gonna party til the morning


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IRA "Mój Bóg"


Podobno dobrem jest, podobno prawdą też,

na podobieństwo swoje wyczarował świat i mnie,

podobno światłem w mrok, wiarą co daje moc,

rajem bezpiecznym, życiem wiecznym dla tych, co go chcą.



A mój Bóg w dłoniach ma błyskawice,

miotając gromy, odbiera życie,

ten mój Bóg sam się we mnie zatraca,

bo gdy mnie widzi oczy odwraca.


Nadzieją pośród łez, miłością która jest,

we mnie i w tobie nam i sobie w czymś jak sens i treść,

podobno wolność w nim,podobno radość w nim,

które nam dane, nie przebrane tylko nam brać i żyć.



A mój Bóg w dłoniach ma błyskawice,

miotając gromy, odbiera życie,

ten mój Bóg sam się we mnie zatraca,

bo gdy mnie widzi, oczy odwraca.


Mój anioł stróż tuż nade mną,

by mnie dosięgnął,

daje milion rad, a niebios Pan nieskończony,

patrzył w moją stronę, choć na głowie cały świat



A mój Bóg w dłoniach ma błyskawice,

miotając gromy, odbiera życie,

ten mój Bóg sam się we mnie zatraca,

bo gdy mnie widzi oczy odwraca.

Podobno dobrem jest, podobno prawdą też,

na podobieństwo swoje wyczarował świat i mnie,

podobno światłem w mrok, wiarą co daje moc,

rajem bezpiecznym, życiem wiecznym dla tych, co go chcą.



A mój Bóg w dłoniach ma błyskawice,

miotając gromy, odbiera życie,

ten mój Bóg sam się we mnie zatraca,

bo gdy mnie widzi oczy odwraca.


Nadzieją pośród łez, miłością która jest,

we mnie i w tobie nam i sobie w czymś jak sens i treść,

podobno wolność w nim,podobno radość w nim,

które nam dane, nie przebrane tylko nam brać i żyć.



A mój Bóg w dłoniach ma błyskawice,

miotając gromy, odbiera życie,

ten mój Bóg sam się we mnie zatraca,

bo gdy mnie widzi, oczy odwraca.


Mój anioł stróż tuż nade mną,

by mnie dosięgnął,

daje milion rad, a niebios Pan nieskończony,

patrzył w moją stronę, choć na głowie cały świat



A mój Bóg w dłoniach ma błyskawice,

miotając gromy, odbiera życie,

ten mój Bóg sam się we mnie zatraca,

bo gdy mnie widzi oczy odwraca.



Furia "..."


Za sny o pustce

Wysoka cena płacona,

Bywa niczym

Kiedy zapłata

Nic nie warta.


Ale kiedy szczytem najwyższym

Jest dno.

Ucieczką wygrana,

Chaos absolutem

A ciepłem zima,

Blady strach

Na twarz wylany

Zostawia plamy.


Na oczach czarne plamy

I szary horyzont.


Imię moje

Życie zarżnąć,

Śmierć udusić!


Furia "Kim jesteś?"



niż czyste zło


niż nienawiść

od słońca


niż królowie


własnych piekieł


od kurwy



jeszcze fałszujący

w tobie



Kim jesteś?

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Odkopuję temat.


Dezerter - Poroniona Generacja


Żadnej satysfakcji, za dużo frustracji

Oto obraz mojej generacji

Żadnego celu, żadnej przyszłości

Żadnej nadziei, żadnej wolności


Poroniona generacja


Pragniesz walczyć, chcesz coś zmienić

Zło na ziemi chcesz wyplenić

Nie masz szansy, wszystko minie

Twoja generacja zginie


Oglądasz telewizję, wiesz co to jest kryzys

W Iranie ciągle wojna, na Zachodzie wyzysk

Twoja przyszłość jest zniszczona

Twoja generacja jest już skończona


Dezerter - Nas nie ma


Jestem żołnierzem armii tego świata

Jestem okruchem w paszczy smoka

Zdanych na łaskę przeznaczenia

Chcę być kęsem, który zatruje ten organizm

Chcę wyrwać się z łap beznadziejności

Otrząsnąć się ze skorupy zniewolenia

Chcę stanąć po drugiej stronie rzeki

Chcę być dezerterem, który ma szansę powodzenia

Nasza rzeczywistość jest naszym złudzeniem

To my tworzymy ten cholerny świat

Nasza wyobraźnia nie daje nam wolności

A wolność nie istnieje, bo nie ma nas[/b]

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Wprawdzie do Sylwestra jeszcze pół roku, a piosenka, którą zacytuję, idealnie zamyka każde 12 miesięcy, ale co tam - ważne, że lubię ten kawałek :)


Wykonawca: Aerosmith

Tytuł: Full Circle

YT: cover w wykonaniu Lzzy z Halestorm



Yeah, yeah

If I could change the world

Like a fairy tale

I would drink the love

From your Holy Grail

I would start with love

Tell ol' Beelzebub

To get outta town

Cause you just lost your job

How did we get so affected ('cause I think)

Love is love reflected



Don't let it slip away

Raise yo drinkin' glass

Here's to yesterday

In Time

We're all gonna trip away

Don't piss Heaven off

We got Hell to pay

Come full circle


And if

There's a spell on you that

I could take away

I would do the deed

Yeah and by the way

Here's to Heaven knows

As the circle goes

It ain't right

I'm uptight

Yeah and get off my toes


I used to think that every little thing I did was crazy

But now I think the Karma cops are coming after you



Don't let it slip away

Raise yo drinkin' glass

Here's to yesterday

In Time

We're all gonna trip away

Don't piss Heaven off

We got Hell to pay

Come full circle


Every time you get yourself caught up inside

Of someone else's crazy dream

Own it, yeah that's a mistake

Everybody's gotta lotta nada killing them

Instead of killing time



Don't let it slip away

Raise yoš drinkin' glass

Here's to yesterday

In Time

We're all gonna trip away

Don't piss Heaven off

We got Hell to pay



Don't let it slip away

Raise yo drinkin' glass

Here's to yesterday

In Time

We're all gonna trip away

Don't piss Heaven off

We got Hell to pay

Come full circle


Circle, circle, circle, circle, circle, circle, circle

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